Friday, October 9, 2009

L'wow, day 2

In the first day in L'wow, Pete and I only toured the Old Town and walked the Castle Hill Park. We hung out with other travelers in the hostel, and I made us a pasta dinner.

On day 2 I found that I had indeed caught pete's head cold. I took a morning walk, did our banking, paid for our nights at the hostel, found our path to the railroad station, and bought night tickets on the sleeper train to Kyiv. I splurged for first class since I am sick. Also it appears that a few of our new hostel friends will be on the same train. We all decided to book beds at the same hostel, since the hostel has free ukrainian dinners, and it appears to be pretty nice and cheap. (also this means that our roommates will be cool)

Sick people don't do much, but we did go out to eat. there are a chain of Ukrainian cafeterias which have delicious ukrainian food super cheap. These cafeterias had foods that my grandmother used to make, including golabki and pierogis. We ate 10 different dishes, including pork on the bone, red beetroot borsht, chicken Kyiv, and salads.


  1. Sorry you are sick love. Still sounds pretty nice, and you have ... kitties!

  2. so sorry you are sick. a lot of that going around here too, just like europe! luckily, i haven't gotten it (yet) i bet they have great ukrainian chicken soup!
    the kitty pictures .. beautiful! :)
