Friday, April 13, 2012


I am at the Hostel International in San Diego, on the third floor kitchen area, looking out the window onto Market Street. It is a cold and rainy day, not a typical SoCal day. My view for the past hour has been overlooking a homeless man wrapped in an American flag shivering in a doorway across the street. Since I live in the Bay Area I am used to such sights. But it is startling after being abroad for a few months. There is homelessness everywhere around the world. But in the places I have been recently it is not as in your face as it is in the USA. Here you dodge homeless on the sidewalk daily. Today on my way back from the drug store a man pushing his belongings in a grocery cart, overflowing with everything he has, apologized to me for taking up space on the sidewalk. I said "it's ok, don't worry," but that is just not right. Umerika, you are a but screwed up....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:San Diego, CA USA

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