Muy cansado, very tired, due to the extreme weekend I just experienced. After class on Friday, a group of eight of us, 7 chicas, and Iko or German token male, took a private tour to the interior of costa rica. The afternoon started off on a very long, serpintine, rough and bumpy ride to Monteverde, famous for their canopy zip-line tours. That Friday we ate at Tico yRica, a local eatery, then hit the not happening disco tech, got hit on by very very drunk argentinians, and to bed early.
The next morning, after an early breakfast, we speed off to the Monteverde Extremo! Park. Yes, I did 16 zip lines above the jungle canopy, and a 30 meter repel. Yes I am terrified of hights, but this was a once in a lifetime experience and I did not want to miss out because of fear. So I sucked it up, and, surprise, no vertigo, just a great time. I bought the photos the guides take, so I have proof thit I actually did this.
While waiting for our bus, some of the group played an impromptu game of futbol with the Extremo! Guides. The
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