Monday, January 20, 2014

Steep Ravine 25K

In a last minute whim I signed up for the Steep Ravine 25K, and I am so glad I did!

This may have been one of the best runs I have ever had. Not just race, but best runs. When I say this, I do not mean fastest, longest, or best effort. I mean that this run represented why I run. This run was enjoyable, fun, rollicking, with rolling hills, and views of the Farralon Islands in the distance. It was not an easy run; there was over 3,000 feet of elevation gain and loss, and no flats in the course. But I did not want the run to end; I wanted to keep going and going and going. Except that at the end there was the Pacific Ocean to dip my feet and a cold beer to drink with friends.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2014 Plans

2014 is shaping up to be a stellar year. The first race on calendar is March 8th - Way Too Cool, my first 50K. Apparently everyone got into the lottery to run this race this year, and it will be a mad house. But that is fine with me. Over 15 of my running buddies will be there with me, running and eating fantastic picnic after the race.

Next on calendar, at the end of April is Big Sur marathon. WTC will have me ready for this hilly race.

After the Spring events I have not signed up for anything specific, but will most likely run the Double Dipsea. And in the summer, I will be joining my friends training for the Tahoe Rim Trail, and get some running and camping in.

Lastly, I will be tramping New Zealand in December with my brother. Still picking out routes.