Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Honolulu Marathon

Ww leave for Hawai'i in 6 days! I will be running in the Honolulu Marathon December 9th. However, we will be vacationing on the Big Island rior to the race. I have not been pushing the training.... I think I will be fine, but my training has been a little understated. Honolulu Marathon

Albany Adult Sports

It is up and running! The Albany Adult Sports website! As the new Adult Sports Coordinator for the City of Albany, one of my job duties is marketing and promotion. Much of this is through the website. The website provides all the FAQ, downloads of Applications and Team Rosters, and links to Twitter and Facebook. I believe that the Twitter feed will be the best feature. Instead of 300 people calling me daily for an update of scores and times, I can post information one time, and anyone interested just needs to follow the feed. Albany Sports

Friday, November 9, 2012

Morton's toe


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Location:Pierce St,Albany,United States